ABOUT Alp Alkaş Retail
Real Estate Center (AARREC)

Alp Alkaş Retal and Real Estate Center (AARREC) was established in 2013 to honor the memory of Alp Alkaş, passed away while pursuing a successful Retail real estate career, by Alkaş Family and Hüsnü Özyeğin under the roof of Özyeğin University.
AARREC is the first center in Turkey devoted to academic research and professional training on retail and real estate. The center organises two certificate programs annually; Retail and Real Estate Management Program and Real Estate Development and Finance Program.
These programs are taught by Özyeğin University’s Business School Faculty and experienced retail and real estate professionals.
9th Retail & Real Estate Management Program that has been started on Nov 2, 2022 and 5th Real Estate Development & finance Program stared on Jan 18, 2023 will be completed by May 11, 2023, and 56 new students will become Alp Alkaş Retail Real Estate Center's graduates.